Welcome to Kinsale Parish

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Welcome, and thank you for visiting Kinsale Parish. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbour.

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus heads for Jerusalem where death awaits him. Yet, some who walked with Jesus did not understand who Jesus really was, so they left him because of what true discipleship required. His saving mission and his role as the Christ or Messiah would be defined and expressed through suffering. Judging from Peter’s reaction to him, it is clear that Jesus’ contemporaries did not expect their long-awaited Messiah to be anything but a regal, powerful and strong leader. Their hopes rested on an end to foreign occupation and the restoration of Israel’s political freedom and prestige. They were thinking not as God does but as human beings do. And who would fault them for that? Who would want to suffer? Most of our lives we spend avoiding suffering or we put up with it for a while leaving it only an unpleasant memory. Nevertheless despite the pain attached to suffering, Jesus challenges his followers to choose it as a means of redemption. To take up one’s cross does not mean accepting the difficulties of life, as one might say ‘my arthritis is my cross to bear’ or ‘my mother-in-law is my cross’. Rather to take up one’s cross is a free voluntary choice that calls for desire and resolve, not passing acceptance or mere miserable tolerance. Those who willingly accept the suffering that results from their belonging to Jesus – who accept the hardship by living the Gospel, these are the ones who are truly Jesus’ followers. Dietrich Bonheoffer, a Lutheran pastor who died under Nazi tyranny, stated that discipleship means allegiance to the suffering Christ and it is therefore not at all surprising that Christians should be called upon to suffer. We, for our part, are to be mindful that whatever we endure, it is for Jesus’ sake and that of the Gospel and only then will our suffering have redemptive significance. So Jesus asks Peter ‘who do people say I am?’ He tells them that if they are willing to lose their lives for his sake and for the sake of the Gospel, they will thereby save their present lives and receive the gift of life eternal.
[Source: www.blessingtonparish.ie Intercom Magazine]

 SEASON OF CREATION 2024 – ‘To Hope and Act with Creation’ – 1st September to 4th October

Prayer for the Season of Creation
All powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures. Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty. Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey on it,
that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction. Amen

(Laudato Si 246)

You can use the Donate button on this website to make a donation securely to the parish.
There are also a number of other services available including:

  • Make a donation for a Mass offering
  • Send a Mass card and offering
  • Pay for Baptismal or Confirmation certificates

We have upgraded the system so now you can make a donation without creating an account. Click on “Proceed as Guest”. Then you don’t need to create an account. This is great for once-off donations or offerings. Thanks.


Parish Church                                  Carmelite Friary

Saturday Vigil: 6.30pm                  Sunday: 8.30am and 11.00am
Sunday: 12 Noon

Ballinspittle                                      Ballinadee

Saturday Vigil: 8.00pm                  Sunday: 10.00am

Riverstick                                          Belgooly

Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm                 Sunday: 9.00am

Ballyheada                                       Ballygarvan                      Goggins Hill

Saturday Vigil: 7.30pm                 Sunday: 10.30am             Sunday: 12 Noon



Bishop Fintan Gavin, Bishop of Cork and Ross, has published a pastoral letter which outlines the context and vision for changes being made this summer.
The pastoral letter entitled Putting Out into Deep Waters introduces a new model for the relationship between parishes and a new emphasis on teams of priests, deacons and lay people ministering together in families of parishes.

Click here to read Bishop Fintan Gavin’s statement on priests’ appointments and the introduction of Families of Parishes.

SGN Special edition on Synodal Pathway June 2022[2]
This Special edition of Sharing the Good News on the Synodal Pathway includes a profile of Dr. Nicola Brady’s cover story interview from the June issue of Intercom magazine. It also includes a piece on the Day of Prayer on Sunday 5th June which was offered in thanksgiving for the Diocesan phase of the Universal Synod.
A Prayer for the Synodal Pathway
Lord of all hopefulness, as we embark on this journey together, may we listen and discern and be guided by the Holy Spirit, who constantly breathes new life into our world, our hearts, our families, homes and parishes.
May renewal and reform, fresh hope and healing come for all people of God in Ireland.
By virtue of our baptism may we each play our part in transforming the church through a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit which is your gift and promise, upon our land.
Grant us the encouragement we need to bring faith, hope and love in abundance to meet the challenges before us and to fulfil the Church’s mission of proclaiming to the world, God’s love and salvation in Jesus Christ.
A Mhuire Mháthair, mother of the Church, guard and guide us on our pilgrim way. Amen.
[source: Liturgical Calendar for Ireland 2022]

On Friday 25th March which was also the Feast of the Annunciation, Catholics around the world were invited to join their prayers with those of Pope Francis as he consecrated both Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
This Act of Consecration places the warring countries under the protection of Mary our Mother, trusting in the power of her intercession.  Such an act looks towards God, the source of all peace, and seeks God’s peace through Mary.
People are invited to pray the Prayer of Consecration with family or on one’s own. The text of the Prayer of Consecration is available here.

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.
[Archbishop Justin Welby, Archbishop Stephen Cottrell]

An invitation to think, discuss and discern
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Pope Francis has invited the whole Church to reflect on some fundamental questions in preparation for the Synod of Bishops in Rome in October 2023 and so that every baptised member of the Church is more aware of his or her mission and calling.
Pope Francis often talks about a “Synodal Church” – by this he wants to draw attention to the fact that each of us, because of our baptism, has a role to play in the Church; we are all together on the same road. (This is what the word Synodality means – it comes from the Greek words syn meaning together and hodos meaning way.) Because we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit we are asked to reflect on these questions with the Spirit’s help, speak about them with the Spirit’s inspiration and listen to what others say, understanding that the Spirit may be speaking to us in what we hear from others.
The Fundamental Questions that Pope Francis wishes to consult the whole People of God about are:
A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together.”

  • How is this “journeying together” happening today in your local Church?
  • What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our “journeying together”? (Par 26, Synod Preparatory Document)

There is an animated explanation of what the synod is at www.https://synod.ie/multimedia-resources/ scroll to the bottom to “synod on synodality-all you need to know through sketches”


Hearing loops are assistive listening systems that exist in many public venues all over the world to assist those with hearing loss. This inductive loop system provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by hearing devices with telecoils. The hearing loop system is available in the main body of St. John the Baptist church.

There are currently two groups in the parish who meet to study the Bible every week. These groups are ecumenical and meet for about an hour. One group meets on Wednesday mornings and the other group meets on Sunday evenings. Newcomers are always welcome. Call David on 0861727747 or Ger on 0876775126 for more information.

Many people have experienced the death of someone they love during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Irish Hospice Foundation Bereavement Support Line, in partnership with the HSE, is there to provide connection, comfort and support for anyone grieving in these exceptional times. It is a national freephone service 1800 807077, available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday.

The contact number for St. Vincent de Paul, Kinsale Area is 085 2186966

Applications for Pendant Alarm for the Elderly
Alarms are provided free. Only monitoring fee to be paid. Contact:
• Kinsale Neighbourhood Watch; or
• Your local Community Alert; or
• Kinsale Garda Station

ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.
To volunteer your help, visit www.alone.ie

Parish Notices

The annual collection for the Priesthood Education Fund in the Diocese will be taken up next weekend 21st / 22nd September. One seminarian continues his studies for the priesthood in St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, and another man is continuing his studies for the Permanent Diaconate. The Priesthood Education Fund finances their studies as well as costs for ongoing training and education for priests.
Thank you for last year’s collection which came to €64,903. In the same year, the Fund spent €82,500. Appreciating that these are difficult times financially, you are asked to be as generous as you can to the Priesthood Education Fund annual collection.

We meet on the third Saturday of each month at 2.30pm in the Parish Church. The children take turns praying and are guided in the prayers so don’t be concerned if your children don’t know the prayers.
Our next Children’s Rosary will be on Saturday 21st September at 2.30pm in the parish church, followed by a few treats. All welcome.

St. John the Baptist Church Choir is welcoming new members. If you enjoy singing, you might like to join us! We practise on a Monday night from 7pm to 8pm and sing at 12 noon Mass on Sundays and on Feast days.
If you are interested, please contact Frank Buckley, 086 0893118.

Would you like to join the Parish Folk Group? Everyone is welcome. Please contact Trina 0851403847 or Paul 086 3773512.

We are fortunate to have a great group of Altar Servers in Kinsale parish. They serve approximately one Mass every third weekend on a rota basis. They are always supervised and all child protection guidelines are followed. If anyone wishes to become an Altar Server or would like more information, please contact Mary @ 0857459011 or the parish office 021 4773821.

Two Bible study groups meet in Kinsale each week. One group meets on Wednesday mornings, the other group meets on Sunday evenings. For the past two years the groups have been meeting online, but the Sunday evening group is returning to meeting in person. Contact David 0861727747 or Ger 0876775126 for details.

One of the impacts of Covid was a rise in the amount of “screen time”, finding ourselves spending more time ‘looking down than looking up’. This is especially worrying for our children. Please check out these useful websites with resources for keeping our children safe online:
Office for internet Safety; Webwise; That’s not cool; Think you know; Net lingo; Translate it; Laya Healthcare Online Safety; Screen Time app; Connect Safely; Google Family Safety Centre; PEGI Rating System; Kid Rex (safe search); YouTube Policy & safety; ICIA’S Parents Guide to Mobile Phones Irish Mobile Phone Operators Code of Practice. (Courtesy of Dr Maureen Griffin)

We are very grateful to the Parish Altar Society who enhance the beauty of our church with wonderful flower arrangements.
If you would like to volunteer to help please contact Eileen O’Brien 0214773256.

Bibles are on sale in the parish office. Cost €25

The Beacon newsletter is available on www.kinsaleparish.org (go to the ‘News and Notices Page’ tab at the top of the homepage). If you would like to receive a copy of the newsletter by email, please contact the parish office parishoffice@kinsale-parish.org

Catholic Catechism handook for 8 – 13 year olds and their parents
This beautifully illustrated book is written in a language suitable for children.
The material is structured in question and answer format.
The book is available from the parish office at a cost of €15.

All Clerics and Religious are Mandated persons. The Children First Act 2015 places a legal obligation on them to report child protection concerns to Tusla – Child and Family Agency. These mandated persons must also assist Tusla, on request, in its assessment of child protection concerns about children who have been the subject of a mandated report.
The Diocese recognises and upholds the dignity and rights of vulnerable adults and is committed to safeguarding all our members. Therefore, the Diocese has introduced Guidelines for Clergy, Staff and Volunteers for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults which can be found at www.corkandross.org and click the safeguarding tab.
The Diocese continues to ensure and maintain compliance with the Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2016. For more information on the policy please visit www.corkandross.org and click the safeguarding tab.

The parish has started a special book of remembrance for parishioners who have died recently, so that they remain in a tangible way a part of our parish and its memories. If you would like a family member to be included please contact the parish office, with a photograph of your loved one and the date of death.

CCTV is in operation in the church and church grounds. Unacceptable behaviour is captured on camera and will be brought to the attention of the Gardai